Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15

I almost made it for the whole day but Adison is home sick again with another asthma flare-up...this has been a tough year for her and even tougher few weeks! Thankfully, the class is like a well oiled machine and works great, even without me there. In Math today, we worked on our Geometrical Towns. Students worked on building 3D shapes out of nets that I printed off for them. After lunch, their substitute will be reading them a mystery picture book. It won't be nearly as amusing as Grandpa's Teeth from yesterday but should be good. In Reader's Workshop, they will be reading independently, working on their brochures and meeting with their groups to read a short mystery and solve it. For Writer's Workshop, they will be continuing their persuasive essay about why they should be promoted to 5th grade. Those that wrote their, "What would you do for a Klondike bar," persuasive paragraphs, received their yummy treat today! Ask your kiddo if they got theirs? In Science, they set up 'Plants in a Bag' to look further at the germination process and how it all starts. (This usually happens under the ground but this process allows them to witness what is going on.)

Don't forget about our field trip tomorrow. Students need a packed lunch with drink. We will be leaving at 9:30 and will eat lunch upon our return from the factories.

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