Friday, August 31, 2012

TGIFriday, August 31

Today was a great day! We began with gym which is always fun. In Math, we continued our work from yesterday representing ourselves using numbers and played some review math games. In Reading, we talked about Reader's Response and our homework expectations with reading. We moved onto revising and editing in Writer's Workshop and in Science, we graphed data that was collected about our spuds.
Bye-bye said the fly!
Mrs. Lambright

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30

I assessed students on their reading skills and abilities so we had a substitute today. Mrs. Bowers (not the art teacher) was our sub and she is fabulous! I learned through assessing that mostly everyone in the class, like at least 21 kiddos, are at grade level or above! Woohoo! I know what I left for plans but you'll have to ask your child what went on in the classroom today...
Have a great evening!
Mrs. Lambright :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29

Wow! Today has been a great day! We had art and then had a number talk and then went to the library and can finally check out books! I have been so impressed with this groups love of reading! Since we spent most of Math in the library, we didn't have a lot of time so we practiced basic addition in a more complex situation. For most, this was pretty simple. In Reading, we spent some time reading the books we checked out from the library and then talked about how using Post-it notes can be useful/helpful while reading. We continued with the writing process for our Important Paragraphs and in Science, did some "Spud Stuff."
Enjoy this glorious evening!
Mrs. Lambright

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28

Today was a great day! We are finally getting into the swing of things and setting up a daily routine. Students are quiet in the halls (mostly) and Mr. Potato Head has eyes and an ear! In Math, we did some review of skills--some of us have forgotten how to add so please work on some addition and subtraction facts at home. In Writer's Workshop, we reviewed writing paragraphs with The Important Book and will now write paragraphs about ourselves. We had Social Studies today and got out our Ohio textbooks--ooooh! These were a hit but I'm sure it won't last too long.
Have a great night!
Mrs. Lambright

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27

Well, today was our first indoor recess and that went very well. The students also are now able to choose their seats at lunch-anywhere in the cafeteria and by anyone they want. This too went pretty well. We had a number talk and completed a partner activity in Math. This afternoon, we talked about how to choose books that are just right and students "showed" what reading both does and doesn't look like. They had a lot of fun showing what it doesn't look like! We also organized a few folders and discussed sentences and what 4th grade sentences should look like. In Science, we drew pictures of what we think scientists look like and the tools they use. We realized that each of us is a scientist! Finally, we learned a little bit about homework expectations for the year. This will make more sense as the week progresses and they get more information.
Have a lovely evening!
Mrs. Lambright

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22

Well, 2 down and 178 to go! Today was another wonderful day! We learned about respect and responsibility--what they are, what they look like and how we can show them in the class. We also talked about being "ready to learn!" Ask your child what this looks like... This afternoon we did some team building outside with tarps. Hmmm...doesn't it sound interesting?
Have a great conversation,
Mrs. Lambright

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21

Today was an awesome first day of school ever!! We had a fancy fire drill complete with fire trucks. We had lots of fun and learned a lot about the classroom. We also met new friends today! Mr. Potato Head can now see! *ask your kiddo what this means...

See you later alligator,
Mrs. Lambright and class

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Welcome to our daily blog! Have you ever asked your child, "What did you do today?" and received, "Nothing." as a response? Well, here you will find a summary of our day which can help you to ask specific questions to start great conversations with your child.