Friday, May 24, 2013

TGIFriday, May 24

Today was a little more meatier than yesterday and we did some fun stuff as well as work. In Math, we completed our Geometrical Towns. They look really good! I was wondering if we should have a day next week, where you all can come check out the projects we've been working on... email me if you think you'd be available to stop by during the school day Tuesday or Wednesday next week. They have been working so hard and their towns and other things show it. After lunch, we were the "mystery readers" for our buddies and went down to read a book to our first grade buddies. Then, we came back to the room for our Student Council Drop Everything And Read time from 1:00-2:00. I even read the beginning of The Great Gatsby that I'm reading for my next book club. Next, we headed to the Media Center where Mrs. Dorr worked with us on ebooks. They are online books that kiddos can access through the internet, through our library so that they can read ebooks over the summer! They can even access them on ipads! I know I'm going to be reading some over the summer. Finally, we came back to our room and read some more of The Westing Game. We are only on chapter 10 and like page 60... I'm a little worried that we won't finish but hey, maybe it will give them incentive to read something over the summer! :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23

Math--Geometric Town
Read Aloud--The Westing Game
Reading and Writing--brochure, persuasive essay, ABC Ohio book, The Eleventh Hour
Science--Dissected flowers

Sorry this is so short and to the point but we are really doing some boring stuff right now trying to get finished with projects...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22

As the days until the end of the year diminish, the workload has seemed to overflow! We have about seven projects, papers and/or books to finish and we are running short on time. In Math, we worked on our Geometrical Towns. In Read Aloud, we found that Sam Westing's will states that he was murdered by one of his potential heirs! Oh no! Now, the potential heirs will be playing a game to figure things out. For the majority of the afternoon, we continued to finish up our brochures, voice thread on Economics, writing our persuasive essays, completing our ABC Ohio book, etc... Finally, Mrs. Vidic came in and gave us our last Guidance lesson.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21

It is hard to believe that we are in the single digits with number of days left...that means that we have a lot of loose ends to tie up as well. In Math, we continued our work on our Geometrical Towns, which are starting to look more and more like actual maps of towns. We are still in the introduction portion of The Westing Game but are close to the good parts where the mystery and "game" are beginning. In Reader's Workshop, we read The Eleventh Hour, a mystery by Graeme Base. The reading groups will be working in a friendly competition to solve the mystery first. We also worked to get our brochures finished as well as on our Voice Thread about Economics. In Writer's Workshop, we worked to get caught up on our persuasive essays as to why they should be promoted to 5th grade. (For some reason, they forgot that it should be 5 paragraphs...) Finally, in Science, we focused on the stem and began an experiment with celery and carnations called, "Totally Tubular."

Monday, May 20


Today was HOT and tons of fun! Did I mention it was HOT?! We had a ton of fun too, though.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday and Friday, May 16-17

Field trip!! We went to the Anthony Thomas Candy Factory and The Original Mattress Factory. I enjoyed and learned so much more from the Mattress Factory than from the candy factory... what did your child think? After we returned, we ate our lunches, enjoyed some recess--oh wait, rain--worked on our t-shirts, preparing and designing and then recess. Finally, we finished the day reading The Westing Game.

Well, our shirts did not dry. SO, plan B. I hung them all around the room in hopes of them drying as the day continued. Unfortunately, they are still not dry so looks like I get to dye over the weekend and the shirts will be a surprise to the kiddos on Monday. I also had an assessment day today to finish reading assessments. The substitute had them in the computer lab working on a Voice Thread about economics from our trip yesterday, working on their geometrical towns, travel brochures, persuasive writing and more work with seeds.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15

I almost made it for the whole day but Adison is home sick again with another asthma flare-up...this has been a tough year for her and even tougher few weeks! Thankfully, the class is like a well oiled machine and works great, even without me there. In Math today, we worked on our Geometrical Towns. Students worked on building 3D shapes out of nets that I printed off for them. After lunch, their substitute will be reading them a mystery picture book. It won't be nearly as amusing as Grandpa's Teeth from yesterday but should be good. In Reader's Workshop, they will be reading independently, working on their brochures and meeting with their groups to read a short mystery and solve it. For Writer's Workshop, they will be continuing their persuasive essay about why they should be promoted to 5th grade. Those that wrote their, "What would you do for a Klondike bar," persuasive paragraphs, received their yummy treat today! Ask your kiddo if they got theirs? In Science, they set up 'Plants in a Bag' to look further at the germination process and how it all starts. (This usually happens under the ground but this process allows them to witness what is going on.)

Don't forget about our field trip tomorrow. Students need a packed lunch with drink. We will be leaving at 9:30 and will eat lunch upon our return from the factories.